Market(k)ing: Constant Change and Adaptation to Demands


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Trends, friends, and like buttons. Take me home to Kansas, Dorothy.  What with memes, gifs, and social-ness, lets find new avenues for the marketer, advertiser, collector, and the small business entrepreneur.

Marketing and advertising: How to reach your clientele and leave a lasting impression, as well as a fulfilling contribution to the WORLD, and get a following. Youtube says add animation to your site, but what are THEY watching?  Studies say stats but where are THEY getting their information, and how confident can you be in the results?  You have to watch the economy to know when and the television to know what. You have to stay plugged in to not be left behind but keep distance to not be mixed in with the crowd.  So in 2017 what would a new-age trend be in marketing, advertising, culture, and art (to throw in a few extra students in in order to open up the field a little bit, stretch things out, build interest and publicity, broaden our scope, and even further enthrall our audience more toward our aim, goals, and build expectation for the statistics, trends, and popular culture).

Keeping your first ear in the market(k)ing game you would follow trends of air.  Ideas, mentions, favorable, but you keep your spare ear in the fields of technology, economics, and manufacturing.  My most recent discoveries have lead me the thought of the MANDALA.  And ancient form of peaceful expression, tranquility, and zen often associated with unity and equality.  My research has brought me to MECHANICAL MANDALAS.

Bruce Shapiro’s Mesmerizing Kinetic Sand Drawing Machines

In the art and culture realm I predict one great advance in marketing, art, and technology that would put a classy spin on billboards. This would be these mechanical, moderately large, sand filled boxes; mandalas.  It would hypnotize and imprint an image and or brand into the mind of the viewers.  Depending on how expensive these machines are, they would be a good contribution to public art while blending the line between work and play.  The designs would be beautiful, the association would be multiple thousands of years of gold, and the new delivery would be cutting edge in the fields of marketing and advertising.

Available for a community opportunity or a big business cornerstone the kettle calls black.  I would watch for hours, just saying.  These computerized ‘ads’ would be in constant (K) change. Just a ball in sand but if we can get people to watch our ads, in a state of controllable hypnosis, I would say that is a leap forward.  Just off the top of my head, music festivals, street corners, and areas you want people to go and hang-out.  These are the attraction to the attraction as well as the advertisement.

If I could I would buy one and talk to a city planner, talk to a bar with a beer garden, talk to a private collector with land.  The new horizon of marketing advertising, culture, and art is coming as quickly as the demand.  This would be a step forward for moderate or small business, and over time large scale.   MECHANICAL MANDALAS couldn’t reach the millions the super bowl commercials would, however, they would be a more finite addition than a shotgun commercial and add true value to the world, spreading, once again, culture, meaning, and art on an aesthetically pleasing and mentally fulfilling level.  The people want more, I say WE give it to them!

As we trail-blaze into the future I think the meanings will blend together, digging deep into our back pockets, culture and art will become more a part of marketing and advertising. Pick up an anthropology class people, we’re going to get cultured like a bitch. That’s all for today. Thanks leave comments at the bottom, I’d love to hear about what you’re thinking about this very small idea and its possible potential. Thank you and good night!